Emergency preparedness is considered the last line of protection against drowning. Emergency preparedness includes having proper rescue equipment at poolside, knowing proper rescue techniques, and knowing CPR. While pool & spa owners should add Layers of Protection to reduce the risk of a drowning incident happening, they should also be prepared to respond to an emergency should one occur.
Proper preparation and rescue during an emergency can make a difference between life and death of the victim. Following are some tips:
Proper response and CPR techniques are not skills that be learned during an emergency. Preparing is essential. It is important to know how to respond. Bystander CPR offers the last Layer of Protection once a drowning incident occurs.
Local firefighters and paramedics are highly skilled and trained in emergency response. But when a drowning occurs it is imperative that rescue and emergency response begin before the firefighters and paramedics arrive on scene. Your immediate response at the poolside can make a difference in increasing the chances of survival from the drowning incident.
Get prepared. Learn CPR. Be confident that you can take proper action if you have to. A life may depend on it.